The Makelangelo is an art robot that draws posters and murals. It’s a fun, easy, and affordable way to learn about 3D printing CNC technology without the burning hot danger nozzle or the expensive, tricky plastic.
Order a kit today or download the software and try it first.
The Makelangelo is fun. It can be used by children as young as six with adult supervision. Choosing a drawing and a color is easy – it will work with any marker up to 1 inch (25mm) in diameter.
The Makelangelo is risk-free. Print failure on a 3D printer can be expensive and dangerous. Print failure on a Makelangelo costs a piece of paper.
The Makelangelo is affordable. A full 3D printer uses expensive plastic that won’t fit in a school budget. The Makelangelo only uses markers and paper. It can even be mounted on a whiteboard so it takes up no room in a class.
The Makelangelo is educational. It can be hard to make STEAM – Science, Tech, Engineering, Art, and Math – relevant to young minds. Solving in class how a Makelangelo works is a great way to introduce trigonometry, pi, and basic algebra. We’ve made sure that every lesson learned running a Makelangelo will give a student the experience they need to tackle harder subjects later.
The Makelangelo can also run MIT’s Scratch 2 routines. Students learn about programming while they’re making algorithmic art.
Order a kit today or download the software and try it first.